Lighting scenarios in line with demand
Lighting scenarios in line with demand can be implemented today because the current light sources are excellently suited for this, especially LEDs. In contrast to the hitherto used light sources that had a disproportionate reduction of the luminous flux in dimmed condition, the current LED luminaires are even considerably more efficient in dimmed condition and can be controlled without a problem in the range between 1% and 100%. [more]
Minimum requirements on the lighting control system
Lighting should as a minimum requirement be controlled by an astronomic clock and in dependence on the weather. If pedestrian crossings are part of the public area, they are switched on and off at typically 40 lux with the associated adaptation segment. This gives pedestrians and drivers more safety, so that attention is guided better especially during twilight. The remaining lighting is switched with a delay but at the latest at 10 lux. [more]
Profile: luminaire + conventional ballast
With regard to the integration into advanced light management systems, the decisions relating to the technical configuration of the luminaire need to be reconsidered. In this respect, the conventional street luminaire with its magnetic ballast can be attested enormous robustness. [more]