Lighting Today, issue July-Sep 2018, product showcases and advert
featured in this issue:- LEDSpots for retail lighting (Next 111 / Evolve 111/ Tuneable White / EVO 75/90 - page 102
- Easy holders for Luga Shop modules - page 103
- LED Industry Kit: Advertisement; back page cover (BC)

Lighting Today, issue Apr-May-Jun 2018, product showcases and advert
featured in this issue:Tuneable White LED Modules - page 85
LED Converters for LED Modules - 24V: Advertisement; back page cover (BC)

Lighting Today, issue Apr-Jun 2017, product showcases and advert
featured in this issue:Industrial upgrade works at Beijing Foton Factory, Beijing China - pages 86-87
LED modules and converters 12V & 24 V for outdoor application - page 94
LED modules and drivers for retail application - page 95
Smart Lighting Solutions for Office and Industrial Lighting: Advertisement; back page cover (BC)

Production Capacity for Optics Extended at VS Lüdenscheid, Germany
The production capacity at VS Lüdenscheid (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) has just been extended with the installation of a further plastic injection moulding machine.With the continuous expansion of our machinery park, VS is responding to the constantly growing demand for high quality optics.

Wie lange lebt ein LED-Treiber? (netzpraxis, Jg. 55, Heft 12)
Fachartikel zum Thema Lebensdauer und Ausfallursachen von LED VorschaltgerätenVon Stefan Raithel, Entwicklungsleiter, Vossloh-Schwabe Deutschland GmbH, Urbach
Quelle: netzpraxis - Das Magazin für Energieversorgung (Jg. 55, Heft 12)

HA Parts & Components: The light of innovation
HA Parts & Components, issue Dec 2016Vossloh-Schwabe is a leading provider of innovative LED solutions, suitably designed and manufactured to ensure high performance in all lighting and household aplliance applications. Read on to find out how the company operates and what it has to offer.

Lighting Today, issue Jan-Mar 2017, cover story & product showcase
Cover story feat. Vollrads Castle:Almost the entire outdoor and façade lighting, including the castle’s emblematic and imposing tower, features energyefficient LED modules and drivers made by Vossloh-Schwabe.
Product showcase:
Lighting Solutions for Animal Husbandry

Press Kit Hong Kong Intl Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition)
Content:Data and Facts Vossloh-Schwabe
Smart Lighting
Press Kit Hong Kong Intl Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition)
Download links and Contact
Expansion with NICHIA
The two globally operating companies Vossloh-Schwabe Lighting Solutions and NICHIA intend to strengthen their successful and more than 20-year collaboration with a further expansion of the business relationship.With effect from 1 April 2016, VS Lighting Solutions will become responsible for the sale and distribution of NICHIA LEDs for the entire European region.

Press Kit L+B 2016 - VS Innovations at the Light + Building
Presentation of new VS products at the world’s leading lighting fair in FrankfurtThe Light+Building in Frankfurt counts as a leading global fair. This year’s top topic is smart lighting, which involves providing the right dosage of lighting at the right time and in the right place.
Vossloh-Schwabe – a company with a long lighting tradition and one of the renowned exhibitors at the Light+Building – will be presenting numerous product innovations at the fair.

Tridonic and Panasonic reach patent agreement
Dornbirn, Austria – Panasonic Corporation, Japan, Panasonic Lighting Europe GmbH, Germany and Tridonic GmbH & Co KG, a leading manufacturer of lighting components and part of the Zumtobel Group of Austria, today announced that they have entered into a patent license agreement.
Das kleine Einmaleins des Lichts
Die Zukunft gehört LED-Leuchten: Vossloh-Schwabe in Urbach sieht sich als Teil einer „Revolution“Veröffentlicht am 21. Februar 2015
Zeitungsverlag Waiblingen: www.zvw.de